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Problem Solving made Easy

Unleash intelligent question answering
across your organization

with xFind's AI-Driven Meta-Search

Plug in xFind to any interface to unlock your business opportunity:

PORTALS • Deflect as many as 30% of Cases
ON CRM • Shave 50% of Case Resolution Times
IN APP • Improved Adoption with Interactive Help
ON CHATBOTS • Deflect as many as 30% of Cases

Rest easy with enterprise-grade security

xFind uses the highest-quality security frameworks to ensure you
and your customers’ data are safe and secure.

ISO 27001 Certified

GDPR Compliant

SOC2 Certified

End to End Encryption


2X more precise genAI
20% of the cost
One API call

RAG in a box

Instantly tap into any organizational knowledge source with a single API integration, delivering intelligent answers without the hassle of training.

Instead of stitching technologies together (ETLs, Data Wrangling, Embedding LLMs, Vector DB, Generative LLM) to create a RAG, simply use xFind.



30% of cases deflected
1/2 the resolution time
One solution

Q&A in a box

Instantly answer queries on any business interface from any organizational knowledge source, leveraging the power of GenerativeAI.

Deflect as many as 30% of cases, slash resolution times in half, boost App adoption, and even drive more leads, with one solution that doesn’t require AI training. Just plug and play xFind.


What customers are saying

“Our DNA is optimizing work processes through innovation. This is exactly what we love about xFind – it allows us to be way more productive with the team we already have.”

Nadav Aloush

Sr. Director of Customer Support, Kryon System

“xFind helps to improve the productivity and satisfaction of our support teams, and in turn improves the quality of our customer care. xFind is a pleasure to work with and we continue to see the positive impact it has on the success of our customer support organization.”

Yaniv Peeri

VP, Technical Customer Support, Customer Experience, Kaltura

“xFind is invaluable for new users unfamiliar with a topic. xFind points them in the right direction every time. In the first 6 months we’ve used xFind, support ticket response times have decreased by 12%”

Keith De-Lin

Director of Technical Services, Innovid

“Since the implementation of xFind with our entire support team, we evidenced a dramatic reduction of about 25% in the time our agents spend on tickets. xFind is able to precisely retrieve the correct answer practically every time, including knowledge pieces hardly utilized before.”

Ran Erman

VP Customer Experience,Mend

“Support technicians spend 52% of their time identifying and researching customer problems, this can be dramatically reduced with proactive search embedded into their screen.”

John Ragsdale

Vice President of Technology Research, TSIA

Unify your data sources into one, concise and accurate answer

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Multiple touchpoints,
one engine

Learn how xFind can make a difference on your organization

Leverage insights from your support operation
to grow your business even faster with xFind.

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Happier customers